Tue, 2001/07/17 - 12:41pm
Blah. I have to write a trouble log for a pilot project here at work. I can't even begin to imagine why there isn't a database for this sort of thing, this is precisely what Lotus Notes was
invented for. It used to be called Lotus Support Notes for chrissake. I have a database for this at home. Of course I can't get to it because of the freaking firewall.
"Hi, Michael? Can you jump through these hoops, please? Do you mind if we tie your feet together first?"
Wed, 2001/07/04 - 10:04am
For some reason LJ is not blocked by the firewall anymore. I still think I will write most of my posts offline and post them when I get home, just so I don't leave a bunch of marks in the proxy log.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/57670.html
Tue, 2001/07/03 - 11:04pm
Off to bed I go since I have to spend tomorrow on Eastern Time. Somebody who happens to live in that time zone better e-mail me in the morning to keep me sane while I sit in an empty office building waiting for complaints from pissy stockbrokers. It's must be close to 30° in here and I can't see myself getting a whole lot of decent sleep. I will need assistance staying awake, and since the firewall won't let me read LiveJournal I demand e-mail!