Mon, 2014/07/28 - 12:00am
Mon, 2013/02/04 - 10:56am
In round numbers, if a Pound Sterling was actually worth a pound of silver at current prices, a penny (meaning the original "old money" pre-decimalisation definition as of a measure of weight equal to 1/240th of a pound) would be worth somewhere around $1.80 in Canadian or American dollars. A loaf of bread therefore costs about 2 pennies weight of silver and a (full, Imperial) pint of beer, 5 pennies weight - which is what they cost 100 years ago.
Mon, 2013/01/14 - 10:16pm
Imagine a post-apocalyptic world in 2513. Unknown to us here and now, aliens first visited a remote part of the planet in 1992. The aliens were just exploring and didn't really have any nefarious plans, in fact they were on their way to go trade with some other aliens and kind of ended up here by accident. They poked around a bit in the small corner of the globe they landed on, took some samples, did a little surveying, said “hi” to the rather surprised locals and then traded some of their stuff for some of the locals' stuff.
Sat, 2011/12/24 - 10:14am
I was listening to the CBC this morning and realizing that no-one is going to wax poetically about video-game hockey like they do for the old slot-hockey tables.
Sat, 2011/04/16 - 12:37pm
The Tyee – Artists Wage 2.0 Attacks on Harper
Toronto composer John Roby's wickedly funny song "Steve, It's Time to Leave" circulating online is as good an illustration as I've ever seen for why liberal democracies fund the arts.
Thu, 2011/04/14 - 7:17pm
The communications director for the Guelph Conservative candidate disrupts an Elections Canada polling station at the University of Guelph and tries to physically steal the ballot box.
Tue, 2011/04/05 - 11:20pm