Fri, 2014/09/19 - 8:30am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Aeroplane over Antwerp, "escaped in the direction of Wilryck"
• Government of Britain decides to cancel pension to cousin of Queen Victoria living in Germany.
• Mention that "German's Trenches Are Formidable"
• Notices for Germans and Austrio-Hungarians to register are multiplying.
• Ads that caught my eye.
Tue, 2014/09/09 - 8:21am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
There is a lot of the "usual" vague stories of troop movements and lists of casualties, lacking in detail because of censorship. The propaganda aimed to incense Americans seems to be over for now, although there is one, one paragraph story stating nothing more than the Kaiser has sent a letter to President Wilson without any mention of what might be in the letter.
• More intimations that it will be a long war of attrition
• Vancouver calls for coastal defences
• Interesting ads, and more...
Tue, 2014/09/02 - 8:22am
The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. As much as yesterday was a slow news day, today was a busy one. My selections are not a comprehensive account of what was interesting in today's paper....
Fri, 2014/08/29 - 8:13am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• British ships battle Germans in the North Sea.
• First Canadian troops, Princess Patricia Light Infantry, leave for overseas from Montréal on White Star Line liner S.S. Megantic.
• Force of 5000 Germans overwhelms 700 British troops, survivors accuse Germans of using machine guns mouted on Red Cross wagons.
• Town of Malines [Mechelen], half way between Brussels and Antwerp, bombarded with heavy artillery by Germans.
• Germans reportedly blame friendly-fire incident on locals in reduce town of Louvain to ashes to as a cover-up.
• Coquitlam football team accused of cheating.
Sat, 2014/08/23 - 11:16am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. August 23 was a Sunday, so this is the big Sunday paper with a pull-out section, but the really interesting stuff today is not the top headlines or the pull-out magazine articles, but several of the minor articles....
Fri, 2014/08/22 - 10:48am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Germans advance in Belgium, demand $40,000,000 "tax" from Belgium.
- Belgian refugees reaching London, tales of long columns of German wounded.
- List of Belgian cities involved in the war, with populations and fortification status.
- Russian troops advancing in Austria
- More anti-German propaganda...
Tue, 2014/08/19 - 8:21am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Fighting in nearby Waterloo forces Belgian government to abandon Brussels and move to Antwerp [where my maternal grandparents are living at the time, children of 10 and 14].
- ...
Thu, 2014/08/07 - 7:30am
"Today's" news out of Victoria 100 years ago has some interesting tidbits:
- Belgians down one of Germany's largest Zeppelins using "an especially designed gun for aircraft."
- ...
Sun, 2006/08/13 - 9:02pm
My mother sent me an e-mail of stories and pictures from a website detailing the V-bomb attacks on Antwerp late in World War II.
Imagine this: you are a fourteen year-old girl. It's a couple weeks before Christmas and all your friends want to go to town to see the new movie. They want you to come too. You say you can't afford it and want to save the money for Christmas. They plead with you and try to get you to come along and won't take "no" for an answer. You have a hard time convincing them (and yourself) that you don't want to come, but eventually they give up trying to drag you along and go without you.
The cinema gets hit by a bomb and all your friends die.
That's one of my mother's stories. This is the cinema:

The Rex Cinema, Antwerp, Belgium. December 1944.