Sun, 2015/03/29 - 11:04am
#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Sat, 2014/12/20 - 11:19am
#dailycolonist1914 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• A conference of kings.
• Canadians deployed,
• News from all fronts,
• News from Duncan and the Cowichan Valley,
• An insight in the persecutions of "enemy aliens", and
• Editorials and in-depth articles recapping the causes of the war and the predicament and valour of Belgium.
• some ads that I liked...
Wed, 2014/12/03 - 10:34am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• On the eastern front, the Austrian army takes Belgrade, capital of Servia [Serbia] (remember how this war started...)
• Dispatches from Russia have the Germans in retreat again, although a Russian General that failed to make his objective was been relieved of duty.
• Italy might soon, maybe, announce what they think they might do later, if everyone agrees.
• Germans are expected to stubbornly keep doing the same thing they've been trying to do for months...
• General de Wet, leader of the Boer rebellion in South Africa, is captured, probably ending the rebellion that has been previously announced as probably over several times in the past few months.
• Germans in Antwerp refuse to not steal food and supplies until the government of Antwerp pays a £2,000,000 war levy that the government of Antwerp refuses to pay unless the Germans stop stealing food and supplies.
• Contract awarded for new grain elevator in Vancouver to handle the larger volume of exports to Europe now expected with the completion of the Panama Canal
• Editorial on the dangers of automobile headlights
• Puff-piece on the good spirits of Canadian troops housed on Salisbury Plain [containing this gem illustrating how language can change in 100 years, "And of all the gay young soldiers from Canada, those of the mechanical transport corps are among the gayest."]
Tue, 2014/11/25 - 8:28am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Italian ministers confer on Italy's position in the war, still no official stance.
• Portugal declares it will stand with France and Britain, if need be.
• Story in German newspaper taken by Swiss to be a warning not to interfere with German troops should they enter Switzerland, and Switzerland vows to to defend itself, if need be.
• A Vancouver man, originally from Wales, died of pneumonia in Canadian camp of Salisbury Plain and was buried in Wales.
• About 80 interned "prisoners of war" relocated from Fort Garry, MB to Brandon, MB.
• Prior reports of Germans helping with food relief for Belgium are refuted by American relief workers.
• Report compares current desperate plight of Belgians to conditions during religious wars of the 16th century.
• Amusing editorial on British slang terms
• [And a reminder that there were still blank spots on the map in 1914] ...
Tue, 2014/11/11 - 12:21pm
#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
At this point in 1914 the war is 3½ months old and virtually no one has any idea that there will be another four full years of absolute horror to come. Remember that we are talking about 16,000,000 people dying and another 20,000,000 being injured, many horrifically, for the sake of a handful of cousins using the excuse of 2 murders to steal land and resources from each-other and everyone else. Remember the gory truth not the "glory" and ask yourself "what for?", lest ye forget.
Tue, 2014/10/21 - 8:42am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
German attempts to advance along the coast of Belgium toward the English Channel continue to not go well. Serbians have taken forts in Sarajevo (and even though that's were the war started, it does seem like a side-show now.)
• An estimated two million Belgians are refugees outside Belgium
• Body washed ashore near Carmanah
• Bomb explodes in Montréal.
• Proposal to build "airships of all types" in Victoria.
• Miss Frankie Seigel, "first-rate blackface comedian of the Bert Williams type" to perform at Pantages Theatre.
• "More Reports of Atrocities" by Germans at length and in gruesome detail.
Sat, 2014/10/18 - 9:25am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Map showing current lines of the Western front.
• Summary of the current state of the war
• Boer rebellion
• Armed bank robbers in Sedro-Woolley
• Naval fighting on Lake Nyassa [Lake Malawi]
• Summary of the weeks events in the Children's section of the Sunday magazine
Mon, 2014/10/13 - 1:06pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
Most of the news is the dénouement for the fall of Antwerp. The stories conflict. Generally it seems that the Belgian army sabotaged their own forts before retreating so the Germans wouldn't be able use the city as a fortified base. It seems that some British troops accidentally (by British accounts) or intentionally (by German accounts) crossed into the neutral territory of the Netherlands and were disarmed by the Dutch. The Germans are reporting that they have secured vast resources for their army [which will come at the expense of those left in the area. To this day, 100 years later, I find it all but impossible not to eat whatever I am offered, regardless of whether I am actually hungry or not, because of my grandmother's constant insistence to "eat for the hunger that comes." She is 10 years old in 1914, and will soon be starving under the German occupation, and then will go through it all again in 1940. 1914 may seem like ancient history, but here I am, still touched by it in a direct way.]
Sat, 2014/10/11 - 4:36pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Antwerp has fallen to the Germans.
• London instituting blackout order and taking other preparations in case of a Zeppelin attack
• C.P.R. executive predicts a very busy tourist season in Canada in 1915.
• Imperial Order Daughters of Empire to provide Thanksgiving dinner for troops in Victoria
• Pantages Theatre to show a theatrical recreation of the wreck of the Titanic.
• Half-page map showing the locations of all fighting in the war thus far.
• The usual summary of the week's events in the children's section of the Sunday magazine
• My usual collection of ads that caught my eye.
Fri, 2014/10/10 - 3:21pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Things are downright horrible in Antwerp now. Fighting is back behind the second line of forts now...
• Meanwhile in Brussels, people are starving because the Germans are appropriating all the food for themselves.
• British aeroplanes bomb a German Zeppelin shed
• Indications are very strong that the Ottoman Empire will enter the war on the side of Germany
• A photographer's account of trying to photograph the destruction of Antwerp.