The Star Trek Reader James Blish, 1968-1969 & 1972 E. P. Dutton & Co., US, 1976 book club edition
The real 27 Wimpole Street, London (Google Maps) Who knows what movie I’m watching for the who-knows-how-manyᵗʰ time?
ORBIT 10: An Anthology of New Science Fiction Stories Edited by Damon Knight, 1972 G. P. Putnam’s Sons, US, 1972
The 1988 Annual World’s Best SF Edited by Donald A. Wollheim, 1988 DAW Books Inc., US, 1988 ex libris signature on first leaf: “Ralph F. Barrick”
A Treasury of Great Science Fiction Volume 2 Edited by Anthony Boucher, 1959 Doubleday & Co., US, 1959