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221108 Painting

Source image is a photograph of actress Eve Southern published in Picture Play Magazine in 1927. I couldn't find any information on the photographer.

Just went to brush my teeth before bed and discovered that at some point while painting today I...

Just went to brush my teeth before bed and discovered that at some point while painting today I gave myself a burnt umber dirty Sanchez

221103 Painting

From a photograph of an unknown Weimar-period Berliner, photographer unknown.

I had another plan with where I was going to take this, but decided to stop here because it was working "unfinished" in a way I hadn't planned, opening up a direction I want to explore.

All I really want is a pre-WWI apartment with high ceilings and good light where I can paint, near...

All I really want is a pre-WWI apartment with high ceilings and good light where I can paint, near a nice café where I can write, loiter, drink too much coffee and make friends with the other regulars and staff.


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