Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 9:30pm
The Man in the Iron Mask
Alexandre Dumas, 1849-50
Dean and Son, UK, ~1960
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 6:30pm
Tales from the Decameron
Giovanni Boccaccio, written 1351-53
translated by Richard Aldington, 1930
Garden City Publishing, US, 1930
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 6:30am
It’s OK to have a cartoon crush in your 50s when the character is also in her 50s, right?
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 3:30am
Malenky, Vidma and I are all lounging directly in the path of the cool air from the air-conditioner (Vidma is under the chair I’m sitting on)
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 12:30am
Rabbit, Run
John Updike, 1960
The Franklin Library, US, 1977
signed by author on third leaf
Wed, 2022/07/27 - 9:30pm
Gulliver’s Travels
Johnathan Swift, 1726
The Franklin Library, US, 1977
publishing editor’s note booklet included
Wed, 2022/07/27 - 6:30pm
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Baroness Orczy, 1905
Holder & Stoughton, UK, 71st edition November 1940
first leaf carefully ripped out (possibly to remove gift inscription)
Christmas sticker on last leaf
Wed, 2022/07/27 - 12:30pm
A Conrad Argosy
introduction by William McFee, 1942
illustrations by Hans Alexander Mueller, 1942
Joseph Conrad, written as noted:
“Youth”, 1998
“Heart of Darkness”, 1899
“The Nigger of Narcissus”, 1897
“Il Conde”, 1908
“Gaspar Ruiz”, 1904-05
“The Brute”, 1906
“Typhoon”, 1899-1902
“The Secret Sharer”, 1909
“Freya of the Seven Isles”, 1910-11
“The Secret Agent”, 1907
“The Duel”, 1908
“The End of the Tether”, 1902
“The Shadow-Line” 1917
“A Personal Record”, 1912
Doubleday, Doran and Company Inc., US, first edition 1942
Gift inscription on first leaf:
Jan. 28/46
“Rose Villa” Victoria B.C.
To: Ken
— Happy Birthday —
with love from Hilda
Seller’s sticker on first leaf: David Spencer Limited.
Wed, 2022/07/27 - 9:30am
The Guns of Navarone
Alistair MacLean, 1957
Collins, UK, first edition 1957
first leaf carefully torn off, trace of inscription remaining (presumably a previous gift inscription)
gift note inserted:
To Bun,
Sixty years of love and affection, which no money can repay.
If you want fifty hours of braces, arm bands or ties, choose yourself.
If you want a new record, or it will help for your ten days holiday, but —don’t send it back.
With love and best wishes, your only sister Lell.
Wed, 2022/07/27 - 6:30am
The Pilgrim’s Progress
John Bunyan, 1676
foreword by Pat Robertson, December 1977
Christian Broadcasting Network University Press, US, 700 Club edition 1978