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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Further adventures in practicing with cheap paint and grocery...

Further adventures in practicing with cheap paint and grocery bags

Some sage advice from the voice of experience: even if you have...

Some sage advice from the voice of experience: even if you have magical hobbit feet, best not to drop a knife on your bare foot.

Fucking around with some paint.

Fucking around with some paint.

A picture I took in London in 2020 of the memorial commemorating...

A picture I took in London in 2020 of the memorial commemorating the 1833 Abolition of Slavery Act that ended slavery throughout the British Empire. It went into force in Britain and most colonies, including Canada, on August 1, 1834 (in some colonies it went into force a few months later.)

And that’s it, the end of my book photo project. I...

And that’s it, the end of my book photo project. I didn’t expect it to take a almost a year, nor did I see some of the emotional journeys it took me on coming. It has also ended up being far more cathartic than I anticipated. A lot can come out of a “pointless” project with no particular purpose in mind.

I’m a Stranger Here Myself

I’m a Stranger Here Myself
Ogden Nash, 1935-38
Little, Brown and Company, US, 10th printing November 1938
gift note on first leaf:
Alixe dear—
A few chortles for Xmas 1938 & all the best of 1939
ex libris signature on first leaf:
Alixe G. Waters
102 Redpath Street
used price on first leaf: 25¢

The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel

The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel
Baroness Orczy, 1919
Cassel and Company, UK, popular edition second impression February 1926
ex libris note inside front cover erased, “return to” sill legible

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel
Baroness Orczy, 1905
Nelson Doubleday, US, 1949

Scaramouche: A Romance of the French Revolution

Scaramouche: A Romance of the French Revolution
Rafael Sabatini, 1921
Broughton Mifflin, US, 1949

The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers
Alexandre Dumas, 1844
Nelson Doubleday, US, 1960


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