Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2001/07/11 - 10:40pm
Today was just another day.
I woke up a bit late and missed my call to Research In Motion. Oh, well. I'm not really "the grass is greener" type and this just may be my own subconscious telling me that right here is good enough. I fed the cats, drank my coffee, ironed some clothes for the day, showered, dressed and wandered away toward the shiny skyscrapers full of dull people.
Tue, 2001/07/10 - 10:47pm
I'm sick of all the fucked up crazy people. Listen up: It isn't cool to be fucked up. It isn't cool to cultivate your stupidity. It isn't cool to need 4 different pills to make it through the day. Stop cultivating it and get over it. Just because there is a label for your disease doesn't excuse your behaviour. Grow the fuck up.
Mon, 2001/07/09 - 8:06pm
I spent the last two weeks thinking that Ivana didn't want to talk to me anymore because she never got back to me after I asked her out to dinner. So here I am not mentioning it, pretending not to be hurt and talking myself into crushes. Well, it turns out that she thought I was to get back to her and it was I who did not want to talk to her.
Mon, 2001/07/09 - 5:55pm
So I made a bunch of entries today and forgot my offline LJ disc at work. Come back tomorrow evening for today's posts.
And in other news, I took the test du jour:
Mon, 2001/07/09 - 1:54pm
Well, my lease is up this month and the landlords just faxed over my new lease. My rent is going up. There goes another $54 dollars a month. Sigh.
It's perfectly reasonable, of course. And it wasn't unexpected. That still doesn't mean I have to like it.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/61219.html
Mon, 2001/07/09 - 12:15pm
Sun, 2001/07/08 - 12:07pm
Fri, 2001/07/06 - 10:42pm
First time surfing in 11 years. This should be interesting!
Off to bed I go. This will be a dawn patrol... I'll be getting up at 3:30, leaving at 4:00, getting Lorra at 4:30, catching the 5:15 ferry from Tsawassen to Duke Point, we should make it to Live to Surf in Tofino by 10am, and on the water by 10:30!
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/59759.html