Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2002/05/03 - 10:41pm
Thu, 2002/05/02 - 10:23pm
Everything is friends-only now, right back to the beginning of my journal.
(addendum May 21, 2002: I've decided that I'll still post some pictures and "press release" type stuff publicly.)
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/234595.html
Wed, 2002/05/01 - 9:34pm
Wed, 2002/05/01 - 11:27am
X-Sender: reptoid@h...
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Tue, 2002/04/30 - 1:45pm
Reptard is resting on his laurels, claiming victory by truth, peace, love and good vibes rather than emminently creepy and illegal threats. Turns out he thinks I'm
Purple Raven - not the first time he's been confused by framesets and LJ/DJ friends pages. I'm going to take Purple Raven off my friends list on DJ to help extract myself. So, in the interest of ass-covering and archiving,
Tue, 2002/04/30 - 12:13pm
Looks like we both walked away at the same time. He wrote all of this before looking at my last public post. In fact he hasn't looked at any of my websites at all today (he did spend several hours browsing GothicBC last night though). Anyway, here is his latest:
Mon, 2002/04/29 - 10:12pm