From reptoid@h... Thu Jun 27 10:37:34 2002
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Subject: Shriners parade - day two.
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:37:33 +0000
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From: "Purple Crow - Mate of she who cannot be named"
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X-Yahoo-Profile: reptoid_27Yesterday I met up with a good friend and saw the Shriners parade again,
just like the day before. Also just like the day before it was hotter than
Hell out and my original plans of wearing my black robe in the sweltering
sun suddenly seemed like a bad idea. It was something like 35 degrees (cel)
out and there was no way I was going to allow my good ritual robe to get all
wet. I arrived in plain clothing. My friend and I perched ourselves along
an overpass and watched the entire parade from beginning to end.Some interesting highlights:
The local RCMP started off the Shriners parade with a motorcycle drigade for
10 minutes. You know, driving circles in the streets and stuff. (Not that
I'd ever insinuate that the RCMP have anything to do with the Shriners)
Then near the front of the parade were several cars with the "heads" of each
individual visiting lodge, including the local Vancouver lodge. As each car
pulled up to the platform, where we had a birds eye view, they were greeted
by someone rather dignified looking who lead them to their appropriate seat.
One after another the highest degree Shriners was driven in a bright red
car towards the main stage and then was led in by the escourt and sat down.
Each car had a sign on the door designating the lodge name and their high
degree status. One car had a very interesting sign which got our attention.
It read something like: "Knights Templar order of..." (something
something...) I forget the rest because I was so struck by the Shriners
open admittance in association to the Knights Templar! WOW! Right there in
broad daylight. The head master (rider) was also wearing a white apron with
a large solid gold pyramid with what might have been an eye in the center of
it! However, viewing him from the overpass it was a little difficult to see
the exact detail. What's interesting is that if we had decided to be right
up close on the ground where most of the viewers were seated, we wound't
have noticed his apron and pyramid motif at all. Some of the individual
lodge names were interesting: "Giza" (Vancouver lodge), "Ramses", "Egypt"...
(Many members of the this parade were Vancouver lodge members - and
considering it was a TWO HOUR parade... Just imagine the number in town
here!) So I guess it's just another one of those lovely coincidences that
this whole Egyptian theme permiates the entire Shriners theme from one lodge
to another? Right? Then I ask you - What the Hell does Egyptology have to
do with "Helping children" as their signs boast?I was rather perturbed that I wasn't in full Reptilian mode because the head
lodge masters had a perfect view of us as they passed right underneith. At
one point I realized that the little cars they were driving didn't have the
Dinosaur coverings that they had on the previous parade. Interesting.
Wonder why only the first day's parade had the blatent Reptilian
references... Near the end of the parade there were several cars stopped
right under us and they all tried to get our attention by yelling up to
those on the over pass. We were only about 30 feet away probably and heard
them very easily - even some of their casual conversations at times...
However I decided to respond differently than the rest of the tiny crowd on
the overpass - Instead of the frantic waving that most people were doing, I
simply held my hand out with the classic "Hail Satan" finger posture. (Also
see: "Rock on, dude" hand sign). ONE Shriner saw me and responded with a
very large extra effort wave and smiled very playfully. Take that any way
you want. I had to laugh.Oh and by the way, one of the most active and entertaining lodges of the
entire parade yesterday was the "Mocha" lodge, but I forgot where they are
from... Somewhere State-side anyway. Just think about that one a minute:
Most hyper lodge - "Mocha"... Just a coincidence? I think not! (pondering:
I wonder if that Shriner lodge owns Starbucks...) ;) (tongue firmly
planted in cheek)I wish it was cooler out so I could have worn my robe and Reptilian mask to
this event - we had the most perfect position for some real Masonic culture
jamming. Then the "Hail Satan" sign might have gone over in a more
interesting way. ;)I still have thoughts going through my mind like scenes from "They Live" - I
imagined the HAARP being switched off and all the spectators suddenly
witnessing the 4th dimension open right up before them, and seeing these
Reptilians phasing in and out right through their bodies in their little
cars and clown outfits. LOL - I know, I know, but it's a laugh after all.
*I* want them to come out of the Lizard closet more than anyone. All I can
add to this thread is the closing scene from "They Live"... "What's the
matter, baby?" ;)What will YOU do when the world's Shriners come to your town? (giggle)
Reptoid. (ETI Ambassador Purple Crow, COHRA president)
WARNING: This e-mail is monitored by local RCMP, Vancouver
Police, CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) as well
as GLOBAL "Echelon" and "Carnivore" systems. However, fear
not the truth! Their time is at an end. The pyramid is cracked.
******************************************************************"An enigma wrapped in a riddle, with a tail in the middle." - Purple Crow
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful
servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten
the gift." - Albert Einstein"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the
spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that
spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives
people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the
presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the
range of the debate." - Noam Chomsky."Knowledge is strength, ignorance does not grant you any immunity." -
Purple Crow
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