Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2002/07/18 - 10:20am
Wed, 2002/07/17 - 10:36pm
For those of you who are taking the "Do I need a boyfriend?" test
Tue, 2002/07/16 - 11:59pm
Imporant things. Actual *for-real* change-the-world things.
Once again, I cannot stress how much I love where I am working and what I am doing. It just keeps getting better.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/270300.html
Fri, 2002/07/12 - 11:54am
Thu, 2002/07/11 - 11:36am
Wed, 2002/07/10 - 12:39pm
I do not want an X-cam.
I do not want to visit the world's largest casino.
I will not spend five seconds on your survey.
Bonzai is not *my* buddy.
My name is not "&firstname".
But above all...
I am Canadian (so you probably don't ship here)
Wed, 2002/07/10 - 11:30am
Wed, 2002/07/10 - 9:18am
Well, thanks to sleeplessknight I just discovered that there is a corresponding close tag to <lj-cut>