Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2002/07/26 - 1:19am
I got home from seeing "Reign of Fire" around midnight and the sky caught my eye. I decided to try some experiments with my camera:
Thu, 2002/07/25 - 11:21am
Thu, 2002/07/25 - 1:14am
One of my clients wanted a photogallery so I took the opportunity to play around with
chromeless frames. I'm rather pleased with the way it came out. Just click on any of the links in the bulleted list and then navigate around. I've got the popup windows adapting to the size of the image, and with the chromeless windows everything ties together so much better than standard pop-ups.
Of course you can't do chromeless in Netscape, but it all degrades nicely, and the rest of the website degrades gracefully right down to text-only browsers and WAP devices. While at first blush this site seems very simple I've in fact really been been pushing how I can use the technology to get a really solid design under a wide range of condition.
And, as a diversion I whipped this up
Wed, 2002/07/24 - 11:03pm
Mon, 2002/07/22 - 4:12pm
What if this whole "white picket fence" thing is a means of avoiding being an artist? It could be a subconscious subversion, a means of preventing failure by preventing myself from even trying. As long as there isn't enough money or time, or I otherwise subvert my work (crappy workspace, what have you) I'm exhonorated from going anywhere with it all.
Mon, 2002/07/22 - 11:01am
Sat, 2002/07/20 - 6:12pm
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