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Michael R. Barrick's blog


Why Living Close to Work is Good

There is an accident in Stanley Park and traffic has been backed up for hours. I'm so glad I'm not living on the North Shore anymore.

New Record!


Does anybody have the font "ITC Octone", "Octone OS", or just plain "Octone"? I need it to match some existing text. I'd rather not have to buy the damn font just to add half a douzen words to something...

Oringinal post:

Fallen II


Attention to detail?

I couldn't see this from the angle of the camera this morning. The morons Shaw from ran black cable along the wall, drilled an utterly sloppy hole, not through a wall, but through the crown molding above the living room door and set a hideous external box on the wall. It is an abysmal job. It looks like crap. The cable isn't even taught. The temporary cable I ran from the old box to the T.V. is done better. Not only that they left an empty doughnut box and a bunch of empty paper coffee cups in the hall. I'm furious. These guys are going to get an earfull from me tomorrow.

Hi, my name is Big Brother.

Thanks to the miracles of modern technology I'm spying on the cable installer over my webcam.

Oringinal post:



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