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Michael R. Barrick's blog

OK, I admit it.

I'm too tired to do anything requiring coherent thought. Programming the security protocols for the ISO 14001 document database is out today. Rote, brianless, monkey work is the order of the day. Time to update the spam filters...

Oringinal post:

$#@%$ insomnia

For no good reason I was wide awake at 3 a.m. after having gone to bed at midnight. I didn't get back to sleep at all. Woohoo! Three hours sleep on a Monday morning. Pass the coffee.

Oringinal post:

I forgot to post these

I took some pictures of the dancefloor at Skank last December that czad_vapid was in. They were longish exposures and the way his head moved made for what I thought might be good icons. So I cropped him out and made these:

Home Sweet Home

Elaine and I are thinking of doing the official housewarming thingy this weekend. Question is, Friday or Saturday?

Oringinal post:

If I were a D&D character

Str: 15

Int: 13

Wis: 18

Dex: 12

Con: 12

Chr: 15

My D&D stats

Oringinal post:

My Turn

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