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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Convergence 11 Pictures

I finally got all my all my C11 pictures posted to a gallery on Gothic BC:


And don't forget:

This one is for Mediavictim

&ltsing it> If I had a million 200 dollars... &lt/sing it>

(lifted from _disdain_)

Reptard News!

You're not here

It's 3:43. I have a glass of absinthe and there are naked people in the pool. Fuck yeah.

Oringinal post:

Hotel California

Pope Palpatine?

Should I Bother?

I'm thinking of changing my LJ username. On DeadJournal I'm "Atratus", but here atratus is taken and even though the account has been inactive for 177 weeks, LJ won't close inactive accounts, nor will they reissue names from closed, suspended or deleted accounts. Once a name is gone, it's gone for good.


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