Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2010/02/09 - 12:11pm
I just got off the phone with Jason Proctor from CBC Radio One. Expect to hear me on the news at 4:30 or 5:30 today.
I hope he doesn't use too much of a sound bite. From having been interviewed on the CBC before, I don't much the way I sound on the radio.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/897478.html
Sun, 2010/02/07 - 7:19pm
I have been inspired by my 15 minutes of fame...
Sun, 2010/02/07 - 12:35am
OK, time to step back from this meme lunacy, and get back to my usual photography and artwork..
Sat, 2010/02/06 - 10:05pm
Fri, 2010/02/05 - 8:02am
Thanks to several commenters on my
last post I was made aware of this:
The text on the poster says, "Pedobear lurks everywhere" in Polish.
Thu, 2010/02/04 - 10:19pm