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Michael R. Barrick's blog

The Other Olympics

And now for the other Olympics, the Paralympics. The one that will not be widely televised. The one without live bands and beer-halls. The one where none of the sports are tied up with jingoistic nationalism. The one where the athletes are still amateurs and in it for the love of sport, have necessarily overcome adversities, and won't be getting any big endorement deals. Are those crickets I hear? Are you still convinced the Olympics are all about sport and the human spirit and that is what everyone was celebrating last night?

Today's Tweets

14:55:45  —  Bread and circuses, minus the bread.
16:32:26  —  Moments like this, when everyone is swept up in something I feel no connection with, I'm forced to reflect on what it is to be different.

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Who's Ready for the Next One?

Now that Vancouver 2010 is drawing to a close, who is ready for Sochi 2014?!

Oringinal post:

Today's Tweets

14:11:08  —  Tsunami warning for Vancouver! Run for the hills! 16 centimetre waves expected to go completely unnoticed starting at 3:00 p.m.
15:09:37  —  Tsunami warning issued for BC coast! Warning of 8-inch swells Saturday evening. Thousands of in danger of chortling at innuendo.

Today's Tweets

17:17:51  —  Watching "Fringe" before bed + screaming hockey yobs all night = vivid dreams of a zombie apocalypse.

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

Today's Tweets

09:58:57  —  - Crows make me smile.
16:30:00  —  - The queen of Norway just toured the gallery.
17:22:05  —  - Wait a minute... I was front page news last week... royalty at work today... seems my life just might be interesting or something... !

Today's Tweets

15:04:57  —  Michael is setting up Mac network domain NFS share automounts

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

Today's Tweets

10:21:24  —  Michael is going to the Da Vinci exhibit this morning, if the queue isn't too long.
10:51:26  —  No Da Vinci today. We'll go when the tourists are gone. Rather pay and enjoy than wait and then be jostled by idiots the whole time inside.

On Robson

I just had to run out to London Drugs for some emergency supplies and wore my "I ♡̸ Tourists" shirt. I heard several people I walked past comment and one local stopped me for a picture.


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