Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2011/01/18 - 11:11am
A good job in Photoshop is like a great dress. If a woman is wearing a great dress people will think, "What a beautiful woman" when she walks in the room and not even notice the dress. A mediocre dress overpowers the woman. Likewise, with good work in Photoshop, people will only notice the beauty of the image and never realize what was done to get it there.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/960380.html
Wed, 2011/01/05 - 10:16pm
Last night and today I did some messing around with the "Picture of the Day." Clicking on the image link from the RSS feed now goes directly to the appropriate post in the gallery. The view of the current and previous pictures of the day now has a friendlier URL and a cleaner look.
Tue, 2011/01/04 - 11:50pm
Mon, 2011/01/03 - 11:53pm
Thu, 2010/12/30 - 11:53pm
Sat, 2010/12/25 - 12:58pm