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My upstream provider is changing my "static" IP address tonight so until all the DNS crap sorts itself out none of my websites will be available. Things should go back to normal sometime overnight.

Oringinal post:


OK, while it is true that I have lots of razor-sharp babilicious chickidees on my friends list, I want more. Come to me, my pretties... mwaaahahahaa!

Oringinal post:

This one is for Elisabeth

I watching my "Sex and the City" season 3 DVD from evilyn_13 and this little exchange made me laugh out loud very loudly:

Miranda: "I'm staying way out of this one."

Carrie: "Waaay out. New Jersey out."

(Oh, God I want to go back to New York...)



I just got back from seeing "Blue Crush" with opium and uberbabe and I sooooooo want to go out in the water now. *sigh*

Blue Crush

7:00 P.M., Granville 7 Cinema. I will be at Taf's Café at 6 P.M. to grab some dinner beforehand.

Oringinal post:


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