Dear Michael:We are doing a documentary on Goths in Vancouver. We are going to speak to Karen Burda of Langara College because she's written about Gothic and Horror in popular culture.
However, we have no Goths to talk to. This is very short notice, but do you know anyone who may step forward for an interview. We are looking especially for super articulate individuals who take being Goth seriously.
We use humour in our show, but we have no intention being judgmental or making fun of the scene. However, we do have misconceptions and questions.
Please give me a ring so we can talk at 604-662-6981.
Thanks, jj
JJ Lee
CBC Radio One Vancouver
Box 4600
700 Hamilton Street
Vancouver BC V6B 4A2
I was interviewed by Karen for her article. This would be for the programme "Out There". I've called and talked to JJ's co-host Alex and dropped Isaac's, Daevina's (he had a hard time with "Maleficent" lol), and Kim's names and mentioned I've put the word out with some other scenesters. They know I gave out the number so any of you can call directly or go through me, whatever you prefer. From the sounds of it they will be checking out Sanctuary this Sunday as part of their background research.
You want to talk about "supporting the scene"? How about positive exposure on national radio!!
Oringinal post: