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My house is warm now.

My housewarming was wonderful. Thank you to Brenda for coming over a bit early to help me set up. Thanks to Elaine for also coming over early and just being wonderful. And thanks to Sleepless-Mike, Chad, Sandi and Nicholas, Natalie, Chris, Ryan, Leaf, Laurie, the Hello Kitty Brigade, and Larry all for showing up bearing gifts of booze, breakfast cereal, stuffed aliens, and minkies. There are minkies everywhere!

Beyond words

I have been sitting here thinking about what I could possibly say about what is going on right now, but I am pissed off beyond words.

People need to mind their own business.

Oringinal post:


Any time after 8 p.m., Friday, November 8th. BYOB. I shall attempt to procure snacks, but anyone bringing snackage will be made a desciple in my cult.

#14 - 1201 West Georgia St. (Greorgia and Bute)

Buzz #26, walk up to the second floor.

Home phone: 604.684.8372


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