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Job Hunting and Whatnot

I've got a job interview out in Burnaby near Production Way station today. It's not the greatest job on Earth and I'm not super excited about it - which pretty much ensures I'll get an offer - but I can't afford to pass up opportunities in this job climate. Tuesday I have what is effectively a second interview (I had to pass an online technical test to apply and I'll be meeting with C-level executives) for a much more interesting job within easy walking distance from home.

"Face Hallucination"

For those that scoff at television crime dramas when they create high-res images from grainy surveillance video:

A Brief Summary of Class-Structure

Upper class: you have other people clean your toilets.

Middle class: you clean your own toilet.

Lower class: you clean other people's toilets.

Oringinal post:

"8 + 1 = 8": What Passes for an Eight Hour Day in Vancouver

I'm not certain that this is a Vancouver peculiarity or is this a more widespread problem, but I would really like to know what happened to paid lunches and actual eight-hour days. The cliché standard working hours are, of course, 9-to-5, including lunch and coffee-breaks. Yet try and find a 9-to-5 job in Vancouver. What you will find is 8-to-5 more often than not, and despite the span of nine hours this is called "an eight hour day" by "virtue" of an unpaid, one-hour lunch crammed in there somewhere.

Certification and Quantifying Relevant Skills

here is a lot of emphasis put on certifications in the hiring process. To a certain extent I can understand this, after all, Human Resources professionals are not Information Technology professionals and certification provides the only reliable interface they have for a quantifying whether an individual really knows something about the technology they claim to understand.

Why I Hate Salesweasels, Reason #432

20 minutes behind the curve and getting it wrong all the way...

I received this white-paper abstract on one of my tech mailing lists this morning:

Seattle Gothic

Fun. I usually don't get to see what happens to my stock pictures from iStock, but as random chance would have it evilyn13 pointed out this flyer for the Merc in :-)

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Three day exstention for paid LJ users

If you have a paid account the above link will extend your account by three days in compensation for all the outages lately.

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