Tweaked some of the details last night. I'm going to stop poking at the grisaille and move on to colour today. Yes, my previous post was a clue about what I have in mind. It's an experiment, so it could go south, and OMFG are things FUBAR to the south these days... #art #painting #acrylicpainting via Instagram
After about a year in Paris, with Lise continuing to work at her perfume shop job and Jerry’s paintings not selling, Jerry convinces Lise to move to New York with him in the hopes that he will be more successful in the burgeoning New York art scene.
This morning I had a little photoshoot, where I was the subject not the photographer, over by Holy Rosary Cathedral on Richards Street. It is for an upcoming article in The Province related to the "Gothic Migrations" 12th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association. The International Gothic Association is out of Lancaster University and devoted the academic study of the Gothic founded in, but extending well beyond, the Gothic sub-genre of 19th C. Romantic literature.