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art marketing

Digital Copies - Giving Away the Negative

When I set up my photo booth in nightclubs I frequently get asked if I can simply send an electronic copy rather than selling the print. This is a problem since I'm typically not making any kind of  wage, only earning from the sale of prints.

Logo Thoughts, Round 2

A second logo variation based on feedback from the previous one.

Logo Thoughts

I've been toying with a logo for my photographic endeavours. Opinions welcomed.

Oringinal post:

A Small Victory

After a number of disappointing rejections for noise, JPEG artifacts, and model releases that didn't meet their legal standards I finally got my first acceptance notice from iStock this evening.

Behold iStock image id 8949876, "Black candlestick phone with metal dial":

Large Scale Scanning

Here's a question for my Vancouver friends: anyone ever had any large-scale scanning done locally? If so what did it cost? I'm thinking of having some of my canvasses scanned so I have better records of them and files more suitable for making prints from. I know Pac Blue does this sort of thing, but have no idea what it costs.

Oringinal post:

Now on Facebook

My photography and artwork is now available on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user, by all means add yourself as a fan of Michael R. Barrick ("Atratus").

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Bad Record-Keeping

I've been working on my artist's résumé and having a hard time remembering who all owns artwork I've done. For the life of me I can't remember the name of some of the people I've sold things to, which is terrible. One of my favourite paintings is just "out there" somewhere. If you own original work or a limited-edition print of mine, or know someone who does, help!


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