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Silly Stuff at Work

A Short Example on How To Get People to Look at You Like You Just Sprouted a Second Head with the Effective Use of Obscure Trivia

Ode to <lj user="tharsis"> in Honour of his Birthday

His claws are long and his fangs are fearsome

— Even mighty squirrels won't come near him.

The survey says (and we agree)

That weiner dogs best let him be.

TTL-BlitzKabel für BlitzSchuh

A new bit of gear I won on eBay arrived today, just in time for the Red Chair shoot:

It's a cable that allows me to use the flash up to five feet away from the camera. This gives me all sorts of improved lighting possibilities.

Of course the cats were conscripted as test subjects:


We are not amused.

Kitty Porn!!

I just came across a bunch of pictures of Tharsis as a kitten...

Full-on Kitty Porn... what a slut!


Sabertooth Tharsis


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