Sun, 2006/02/26 - 10:45am

Between Renfrew and Gilmore stations
Fri, 2006/01/27 - 5:37pm
You won't get to play this one often, but I just did.
Watch a couple of suburban yahoos seriously offend an older east Indian man (I missed the offending comment or action).
Listen as the old man seriously cusses out the yahoos with some "colourfully" translated insults.
Watch as one of the yahoos gets up and spits at the old man, precipitating a full-blown fist-fight.
At this point the driver pulls over and puts the yahoos off the bus. One of the yahoos decides to swing around and take a Parthian shot at the old man that nearly knocks him down.
Tue, 2006/01/17 - 4:48pm
My ability to tolerate stupidity (and therefore the great bulk of humanity) is directly related to how well rested I am.
I am not, at this point, at all well rested and I am on a suburban bus.
Oringinal post:
Mon, 2006/01/16 - 8:06am
Here I sit, on a fully-automated robot train, typing a message that I will trnasmit by radio to in-turn be relayed by wire and light to San Francisco where it will be automatically published. The message will be read on cathode ray tubes and liquid crystal displays across the continent from Vancouver to Los Angeles to Miami to New York. It will be read at opposite ends of the earth, from Europe to Australia. And this is all a routine part of my Monday morning commute.