Tue, 2001/07/17 - 12:41pm
Blah. I have to write a trouble log for a pilot project here at work. I can't even begin to imagine why there isn't a database for this sort of thing, this is precisely what Lotus Notes was
invented for. It used to be called Lotus Support Notes for chrissake. I have a database for this at home. Of course I can't get to it because of the freaking firewall.
"Hi, Michael? Can you jump through these hoops, please? Do you mind if we tie your feet together first?"
Tue, 2001/06/26 - 11:42pm
What an exciting life I lead. I spent my day in my cubicle writing code for a bank's intranet, then I came home and spent my evening writing code for a credit union's intranet. It is possible to interpret some of what I do as being important... the stuff I've made so far, at the moment, directly impacts or will have an impact on about three million people. How weird is that?
Fri, 2001/05/11 - 11:48am
I'm actually testing a program agent to be used in a mail migration in the background. I've got to keep one eye on it to make sure it is working properly. If it doesn't do what it is supposed to I could end up mangling six thousand people's e-mail.
So the damn Royal Bank nitwits haven't returned my money yet. They said Thurday and it still isn't there. I'm going to get paid before this is fixed. I may as well have screwed my landlord over on purpose and not bother post-dating the cheque.