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Life is Funny

So, after two years of looking for work in Australia or New Zealand, now that I've managed to create something that suits my purposes here, what happens? I've just signed on for a remote development gig with an outfit in the Brisbane area.

Oringinal post:

Dismal, Dull, and Boring

Blah. I have to write a trouble log for a pilot project here at work. I can't even begin to imagine why there isn't a database for this sort of thing, this is precisely what Lotus Notes was invented for. It used to be called Lotus Support Notes for chrissake. I have a database for this at home. Of course I can't get to it because of the freaking firewall.

"Hi, Michael? Can you jump through these hoops, please? Do you mind if we tie your feet together first?"

Oh, man.

What an exciting life I lead. I spent my day in my cubicle writing code for a bank's intranet, then I came home and spent my evening writing code for a credit union's intranet. It is possible to interpret some of what I do as being important... the stuff I've made so far, at the moment, directly impacts or will have an impact on about three million people. How weird is that?

Of all the days to forget my LJ client

I'm even more bored than usual at the moment. I'm running these brutally

slow routines to update the corporate directory. Apparently this a regular

thing that has to be done every pay period. This is so lame. I have a

nibble for a much more interesting job in Toronto and have my first

telephone interview a week Monday. It's for a digital post-production

company, which would be a little more interesting than a bank. I am hating

banks in general lately. A few minutes ago I ran across the street to cash

I am not slacking

I'm actually testing a program agent to be used in a mail migration in the background. I've got to keep one eye on it to make sure it is working properly. If it doesn't do what it is supposed to I could end up mangling six thousand people's e-mail.

So the damn Royal Bank nitwits haven't returned my money yet. They said Thurday and it still isn't there. I'm going to get paid before this is fixed. I may as well have screwed my landlord over on purpose and not bother post-dating the cheque.

Funny thing about this regular work day stuff: it seems I have a lot less to say. After all who wants to hear about the code I wrote today.

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