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More From 1992

Cathedral Place (left) has only just replaced the old Art-Deco glory of the Medical Arts Building as a monument of fibreglass, post-Modern crap (can you tell I don't like that building?) There is no Olympic countdown clock in front of the VAG. Eaton's is still Canadian and spelled with capital letters. There are no towers in Yaletown and the Expo '86 site is still a vacant wasteland while Concord Pacific and the provincial government argue over who should pay for the site remediation. And if you look at False Creek at the far right of the picture you can just make out a white smudge that is the ill-fated McBarge, which now floats derelict in the Burrard Inlet. Oddly enough I happen to own a complete set of blueprints to the McBarge.

Boardroom Punk

From a shoot I did last Saturday. I've yet to finish going through all the pictures and pick out the "keepers," but this is the first of the bunch.

Polaroid Fun

I did a shoot with Gaby dB. yesterday for Elaine's store. During the shoot, for fun, I also made a few images with my circa 1971-76 Model 440 Polaroid Land Camera. The signatures on these images has been added with Photoshop, otherwise these are just scanned, straightened, and resized.

A Small Victory

After a number of disappointing rejections for noise, JPEG artifacts, and model releases that didn't meet their legal standards I finally got my first acceptance notice from iStock this evening.

Behold iStock image id 8949876, "Black candlestick phone with metal dial":

The Fog

Another Revisiting of an Old Shoot

N.B.: If you are viewing this via my feed to Facebook, click the "view original post" link to see the animated image.

Revisiting an Old Shoot

N.B.: If you are viewing this via my feed to Facebook, click the "view original post" link to see the animated image.

Merry Christmas

N.B.: If you are viewing this via my feed to Facebook, click the "view original post" link to see the animated image.


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