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New York

"A Women's Strike", The Victoria Daily Colonist, March 8, 1916

An article for the "Women's Realm" section of the Daily Colonist out of Victoria, British Columbia, published March 8, 1916 about New York City sweat-shop workers organizing:

A Women's Strike

Women have reason to be proud of the result of a strike which recentl took place in the city of New York. It has been conducted without disorder and was successful in gaining for those who took part in it shorter hours, better conditions of working, and higher wages. 

Sex and the City

Elaine and I were just watching the first Sex and the City movie and Elaine made a comment about how big "Big" looked.

"He's exactly the same size as me," I said, "Remember when I bid on his suit?"

"Oh, yeah, " she replied, "then she must be tiny,"

It Just Gets Better!

Yesterday's putz realtor must have seen that her ad was changed, it was deleted and reposted today - but it was reposted with the same attempt to hotlink my picture. She now has three ads pointing to the same picture:

Having Fun with Hotlinkers

I was watching the referrer log on my server today while testing something for work and happened to see that someone had hotlinked one of my pictures on Some putz realtor was using a photo I made of the view of Downtown from the South Street Seaport to sell an apartment. People who hotlink should realise how easy it is to redirect to anything else...



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