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Shut up, Trish.

I took the nerdity test.

Nerdity Quotient: 56.80% (284/500)

N.B. Not only am I enough of a nerd to have done this at all, I did it after mindnight on a Saturday night after spending the evening playing chess with someone ;-)

(And I edited this entry three times to make corrections and ammendments!)

Oringinal post:

Just as I suspected

After taking the fashionable quiz du jour at my diagnosis came out as follows:


* Uncomplicated Bereavement


everything else

This is disturbing

It bothers me that something this short and apparently meaningless could render such apparently accurate results. (My comments in italics)

Your view on yourself

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener; they'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

Name stuff

Evilyn made me go to this site to do a name search for her since they only allow four searches (unless you delete the cookie!) so while I was at it I did myself:

Survey SAYS!...

(Just so long as Richard Dawson doesn't try to kiss me)


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