Fri, 2002/08/02 - 4:05pm
Studies and sketches:
Sun, 2002/06/09 - 4:55pm
Based on
this doodle.
Mon, 2001/12/31 - 11:43am
Ivana |
Tue, 2001/05/29 - 8:48pm
Tristen |
So this is how it works with me:
Mon, 2001/05/28 - 10:20pm
Mon, 2001/05/28 - 9:55pm
This is for Trish:
Madonna. The paper has yellowed a bit and it is a bit smudged, but what do you want? It was drawn in 1984 |
And I found a few other rock stars while I was looking:
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 1:45pm
My NBC notes from basic training. |
I was scrounging around for an article I wanted to read and came across my old notebooks from basic training. I was, without a doubt, so not suited to being a soldier as these pages of my chemical warfare notes will attest.
Sun, 2001/04/15 - 3:10pm
So my living space is cleaned up and I'm working my way into the office. That's going to be an ordeal. My desk is a disaster. But I feel good. I finished off the drawings of Daevina and Mel to take with me tonight.
Sat, 2001/04/14 - 1:47pm
I had some weird dreams last night. The details have already escaped me, but they've left me determined to get out of this funk. I can't do anything more about not having any money that I already am and there is nothing I can do about the other thing I have been whining about but wait and hope (there's that damn hope thing again!), so to hell with the whinging and fretting and time to do what I can with what I have.