Fri, 2003/07/25 - 10:56pm
I compiled this today from some better photographs I took this afternoon.
Thu, 2003/07/17 - 10:22pm
Tomorrow will be exactly nine months since the fire, things are still a long way from normal in the building.
The hall in on our floor. The ceilings are finally done and they have begun to paint. The walls were primed today.
Fri, 2003/05/23 - 12:54pm
Thu, 2003/05/22 - 10:16pm
Thu, 2003/05/22 - 10:05pm
The third floor hallway, which is a little further along than our hall. I'm looking forward to the old red carpet being ripped out.
Thu, 2003/05/22 - 9:27pm
The asbestos shack has been gone for a while. New wiring has been run to all the apartments now and they have begun to work on the new ceiling. Note the exit sign hanging by wires. It's just so "Blade-Runner".
Thu, 2003/05/15 - 9:41pm
I couldn't see this from the angle of the camera this morning. The morons Shaw from ran
black cable along the wall, drilled an utterly sloppy hole, not through a wall, but through the crown molding above the living room door and set a hideous external box on the wall. It is an abysmal job. It looks like crap. The cable isn't even taught. The temporary cable I ran from the old box to the T.V. is done better. Not only that they left an empty doughnut box and a bunch of empty paper coffee cups in the hall. I'm furious. These guys are going to get an earfull from me tomorrow.
Fri, 2003/04/11 - 12:43pm
Fri, 2003/04/11 - 10:52am