The Daily Colonist, August 3–11, 1915
Sun, 2015/09/13 - 11:58am
« previous next »#dailycolonist1915 #WWI - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago.
German savagery and terrorism, the anniversary of the British Empire declaring war, fall of Warsaw, American occupation of Haiti, and the creation of the Revelstoke internment camp. [I planned to cover more days in this installment, but the Internet Archive is down for maintenance today.]
- Tuesday, August 3, 1915
- "German Savages" use "Fire Projector" [flame-throwers] against British troops near Hooge. "The fire projector is carried strapped to the back exactly as a fire extinguisher and apparently contains some inflammable oil under strong pressure…"

- Wednesday, August 4, 1915
(The anniversary of the British Empire declaring war on the German Empire)
- Large photo of King George V on the front page.

- Summary of the war on the editorial page where today is counted as the 369th day of the war counting from the German declaration of war against Russia.

- Thursday, August 5, 1915
(Stories of gatherings marking the anniversary of the war appear today)
- A large gathering at the Opera House in London, England. Sir Richard Borden, Prime Minister of Canada, is a featured speaker.

- Victorians rally in Beacon Hill Park to show support for the Empire.

- The King and Queen attend ceremonies at St. Paul's Cathedral, London.

- Friday, August 6, 1915
- German troops enter Warsaw, which has already been evacuated.

- American marines take the fort overlooking Port au Prince, Hayti [Haiti] without resistance. [Americans invaded Haiti on July 28, 1915 and would occupy the country until 1934.]

- Saturday, August 7, 1915
- An attempt to sabotage White Star liner "Arabic" leaving from New York for Liverpool is foiled.

- Sunday, August 8, 1915
- Font page article that an internment camp will be established in the National Park on Mount Revelstoke and prisoners will be used to complete a road to the summit.

- Another article, this one on the last page, also covers the creation of a detention camp at Mt. Revelstoke.

- Monday, August 9, 1915
- Tuesday, August 10, 1915
- Front page article noting the current size of the Canadian forces involved in the war: Over 80,000 deployed overseas, with 13,000 of those on the casualty lists, and another 60-65 thousand still in Canada.

- Rules for enlistment have changed: wives can no longer object, parents of men 18-21 can no longer have to provide consent, and men who change their mind can no long purchase their own discharge.

- Wednesday, August 11, 1915
- Germans using "terrorist tactics" in Warsaw by taking prominent citizens hostage to guarantee compliance of citizens with German rule.

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