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The Merits of Mediocrity

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I've done next to nothing today except e-mail Brenda and taunt Elisabeth on LJ. I did some research about ways to impose mailbox size quotas on our old mail system and some half-assed investigation of a problem with a reporting agent in one of the intranet applications, so yeah, I got some stuff done, but it doesn't feel like much. And now I just want to leave.

I can't believe what a schmoe I was when I was at TCG. I worked like a dog at the very same work for a third the money. As an indpendent I worked like a dog when I had work, but had big gaps where I didn't have to do a blessed thing. Now this place. I have to show up every day, but slow and steady wins the race here. All I have to do is get one foot forward each day and it's all good, then when I walk out the door I don't have to worry about it at all. It's not a bad way to live after all.

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