OK, maybe it wasn't the Chinese food. Shortly after that post a sore throat kicked in. I don't know if I am genuinely sick or if my body is simply rebelling against the debauchery of the weekend. The nausea last night could be the vestiges of a hangover right after a big meal. What I am feeling today is either something I picked up on the bus or (and I am leaning toward this) my sinuses and lungs revolting against having smoked considerably more than I am used to in conjuction with the expected allergic reaction I have to tobacco. Not the smartest behaviour, I know, but "I smoke because I am hoping for an early death and I need something to cling to"

. Now that a couple days have passed my body is basically yelling "Get it out! Get it out!" and all the nasty side-effects I've come to expect from my ritual cigarette or two on a Sunday night are happening in the extreme from having smoked like a chimney Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Lesson learned. No more than two recreational cigarettes a week for me. And none at all for the next few weeks.
Then again I may simply be sick.