Tue, 2001/12/04 - 12:43pm
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This is a damned civilised place to work. Turns out the standard work day here is 8-4, with an hour for lunch. They are cool with me doing my usual skip-lunch-leave-early thing, which means 8-3 or variations thereupon. The firewall policy also distictly liberal so I am happily streaming MP3s as I work (although I intend to burn and bring in CDs of my own MP3s because I don't want to be a bandwidth pig). The people I am working with seem really great so far. I can totally see why people stay here for decades. I'm still in a state where I haven't really gotten up to speed on everything I'll be doing, but, hey, it's only my second day. Nonetheless, I feel like I have found my place.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/152523.html