God Damn Freaking Murphy's Law
Fri, 2002/05/24 - 9:49am
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I have a presentation today for the AS/400 users group at IBM. One of the other presenters just happens to be HSBC (I'm dying to find out who is doing the presentation) so I have been looking forward to the opportunity to do some knife twisting. So, naturally, I got no sleep last night because I kept getting elbowed in the head by the elf and eventually kicked out of bed to make room for one of the elflings. And because the old man downstairs has never quite wrapped his head around electricity the alarm in the spare room was blinking from the 427th thrown breaker. The bed was covered in laundry because it really just *never* happens that I get kicked out bed in the middle of the night... Top it all off with the sudden onset of a sore throat and sniffles that I didn't have yesterday and everything is
just peachy
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/240898.html