Wed, 2002/06/05 - 10:19am
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- Percentage of people on Earth (at the time) killed in WWII:
- 0.6%
- Percentage of people on Earth killed in the recent ethnic conflict in Rawanda:
- 0.00032%
- Percentage of the population of the Earth killed in the WTC:
- 0.000025%
- Percentage of people on Earth that have any idea I exist at all:
- 0.00016%
- Percentage of people on Earth that give a rat's ass that I exist:
- 0.0000095%
- Percentage of people on Earth that really care that I exisit:
- 0.00000019%
- Percentage of people on Earth who I am well enough accainted with to know their name:
- 0.0000024%
- Percentage of people on Earth I give a rat's ass about:
- 0.00000067%
- Percentage of people on Earth I really care about:
- 0.00000019%
- Estimated percentage of the population of Earth that will read this:
- 0.0000022%
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