Mon, 2002/09/30 - 10:04pm
« previous next »Today was my last suburban commute by transit. And as if to reinforce my loathing of it this morning was particularly hideous. For no perceptable reason the bus was exceedingly crowded and I was forced to stand. Beside me as some git who just happened to be somewhat over seven feet tall wearing a backpack that was in my face. As usual not at single was open and so inside was just a steaming mass of putrid human flesh. To add olifactory insult to injury someone was issuing flatulence directly from the sulphurous pits of hell. In comsmic synchronicity there was also an excessive amount of traffic on the streets, prolonging the whole experience by twenty minures and also working to ensure the driver had lots of opportunity to bake and accellerate unpredictably. Gleefully I endured knowing that today I would pick up my resident's only parking pass that tomorrow will allow me to drive to work and park a block away in my own, reserved, underground and private parking spot. For the remainder of this week I will be driving to work, each time bringing a few items to put in the apartment that come tomorrow will be my official new home.
This is a bittersweet moment. Things may have not worked out here, but that is not from a lack of want on my part, nor a lack of affection for Ivana. My excitement about living downtown and returning to the lifestyle that suits me is very much tempered by the sense of failure I feel over my live here with Ivana. I win and I lose, both and neither.
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