Tue, 2002/10/22 - 12:06am
« previous next »So the power didn't get turned on today. I have to check out of the hotel tomorrow. I can stay with
Elaine, which is fine because at least I have a downtown parking spot still. The cats will go into a nearby kennel for $15/day - which sucks monkey balls, to say the least, and not just because of the money. My home and my cats are my touchstones. I still have a faint hope that I'll be let back in soon, but I'm planning for the worst. I've hacked a solution that at least has my e-mail and my clients' e-mails funcitoning. Any of the redirects I set up for GothicBC donators are going to be bouncing until the server is back up. Sigh. It's nearly midnight and I am sitting in my office at work because at least here I have an internet connection and a comfortable place to sit. I should head back to to hotel now, though. I'm not going to be the greatest person in the world to be around if I don't get my apartment back soon.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/316935.html