Right. It will have to come out, then.
Wed, 2002/12/11 - 4:25pm
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Here's a good example of a bad way to start your day. This morning I decided to stick the last remaining box from the book room in the hall closet. While placing the box on the bottom shelf I heard a loud "clonk" noise and suddenly my new orbital sander was lying at my feet. This was very quickly followed by a fair amount of pain. "Well, that hurt," I said to Tharsis, holding my hand to my head. Then it began to hurt a lot more. So I lay down on my bed for a while , holding both hands to my head, muttering something along the lines of, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow."
I felt a bit addled most of the morning. That went away around lunch and there were no other symptoms so I was only mildly concussed. I'm OK now execpt for the lump and a bit of a headache. My brain hurts.
Could have been worse. At least it wasn't my circular saw.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/333853.html