this? It's gone now. I sold it today along with my old wedding ring. The tangible remains of those two mistakes have been removed from the house. And I learned something: the hype they sell you in jewelry stores about the value of diamonds is complete crap. Their resale value is crap because the retail markup is absurd. I did some research on the what I could expect to get for the diamond before selling it and discovered that if you can get 10% of the current retail price you're doing well, and with smaller rocks that goes down. I got 6% of the price I paid Ivana's engagement ring. As it turns out the gold wedding band had a better resale value in terms of percentage of retail.
I've mentioned before that women with the used-car-salemen gene work in jewlery stores, this only goes to confirm that. The whole "a diamond is forever" crap is marketing blather made up by de Beers to get people to buy diamonds instead of prettier coloured stones. Diamonds are not forever, they are not a girl's (or any one else's) best friend, as an "investment" the suck shit. They are most useful ground up and used to make sandpaper.
What I got for the thing was about the same as the last Canadian Springs bill I was stuck with. And that's it.