My computer is almost mine again
Mon, 2003/10/06 - 11:27pm
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I just wrote the "thank you for you buiness, goodbye" letter to my last remaining hosting client. Come January 1, 2004 I'll be back to only hosting my own projects for the first time in six years. No more worrying about work after I get home from work. No more pulling my hair out at tax time with crap like figuring out what is a class 8 asset and what is a class 10 asset so I can calculate what depreciates at 3% and what depreciates at 8% so I can apply 17% percent of the 3% value plus the 8% value against the sum on line 238 less the value of monies payed out to sub-contractors on line 375 of the T2204d, the result of which has to be transferred to the T42skidoo and compared against table T37.5 to dermine whether or not I'm fucked at 54% or screwed at 53.2% (really, it's that bad). No more filing PST and GST returns and freaking out for 8 weeks because maybe someone's cat barfed in his shoe and my return was on the top of the pile that morning so I'm going to get audited.
Here's to looking forward to doing my taxes in an hour instead of a week and rebooting my server whenever I fucking well feel like it (whch will be a lot less often, ironically, since no clients also means no need to support Windows - I'll be building up a Linux [Redhat] server later this month).
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