that present I tried to buy for
Elaine on-line a few weeks ago? I knew there were stores in town that carried it, but they always seemed to be sold out. So, having the day off today to shop (strategically just after pay-day and right before her birthday) I ventured out to the suburbs. I braved the very worst drivers in Greater Vancouver and headed into Richmond. I really must go on a bit of a tangent and sing the praises of the Wonder Wagon. Even wealthy bargain hunting Hong-Kong emigirées in their Canyoneros yeild in fear to the Wonder Wagon. The car just exudes an aura of "Just go ahead and cut me off: I'll fucking well run into you if you do!" After all, who would be worse off? My car isn't even worth a week's pay... Anyway, in a cavernous suburban warehouse store teeming with people all on their own desperate Christmas missions I found one lonely, slightly damaged box, containing the item I sought. I guess, in Richmond, you can't give a gift in a box that has a rip in it. I don't think Elaine will mind. It took nearly an hour to corner someone into helping me extract the box from the pile of boxes around it and get through the line to the till - but damn it! It's done! Exactly what I wanted to get her, wrapped up and ready for tomorrow! Yay!