Chesterfields Don't Crash
Wed, 2003/12/10 - 11:29am
« previous next »Going with the idea that the day begins at sunset I am having "one of those days". Everything was peachy yesterday right up to about sunset. After sunset, however, I sat down to do some work for one of my "ex"-clients that I foolishly didn't say no to. It turned into a pain in the ass because the development software kept crashing and turned a 20-minute job into a 2-hour job, ruining my mood. This morning Telus' DHCP servers were FUBAR'd and my router couldn't get an address when it reset last night. Now I've got a problem at work with a server that is crashing whenever a particular user accesses it.
Why the hell didn't I apprentice with my dad and become an upholsterer?
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