Ever been on a city bus that got lost before? Well, I have now.
valerian and I were returning from some shopping in North Van and, presumably due to an accident on the Stanley Park Causeway, the bus was sent for a lovely Sunday drive through the park. Only the driver didn't know the park and missed the turn for the Georgia St. and ended up on the English Bay side of things A kind passenger closer to the front of the bus than we were got up and directed the bus driver through West End at the fringe of the park (along the way I saw
langsuir and
saturn13 walking in the park. I waved. A very confused
langsuir waved back. Some other people in the West End gave the bus some rather odd looks as we negotiated side-streets barely wide enough for a car, let alone a city bus, on our way back to Georgia Street.
Not being in a hurry I rather enjoyed the whole thing. It was a nice, totally unexpected, Sunday drive through the park. Shame I didn't have my camera.