Mon, 2005/07/04 - 10:31pm
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I got my
portfolio pages moved over to the new design, comment threads and all. I'll need to resize some of the images that don't fit well in the new layout or revisit how I'm displaying the images, but what I've got will do for now. While I was at I got the
cam page moved and that most ancient part of my website, the
All Dressed in Black page (which was the first and only page on my website when it originally went up in 1994) moved in as well.
Next steps are to get my artist's bio in and and artist's résumé up as well (that is going to be a bugger to write because I have kept lousy records of where and when I have showed, won awards, been published, etc.). Following that will be a somewhat more involved project to get set up to sell prints.
Oringinal post: