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Well, That Was Fun.

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valerian and I just got back from "Curiosity" - the new night at Honey in the Lotus Hotel done by lady_maleficent, contrasoma, and lori_monster. Fabulous, lush venue. Mostly excellent music - goth, old-school death-rock, "gothabilly", etc. There was only a few moments of doofy crud that was really out of place in the posh surroundings. Since there was an "Alice in Wonderland" theme I finally had a chance to wear the long coat I picked up at C11 (it's been too hot to wear it throughout the summer) as part of a Mad Hatter outfit I put together (which I actually got a few pictures of thanks to a few different people who offered to point my camera back at me). There will be a bunch of pictures going up on Gothic BC as soon as I have a chance (which might not be until Friday or Saturday with everything on my plate at the moment). The turnout was surprisingly good for a first night and it was nice to hang with our lovely neighbour littlemissrisk, as well as unsensibleshoes, _epine_, gothybean, virtual_shelley, kitsune_13, langsuir, _kaiser_, fire__opal, and others whose current LJ nics aren't coming to mind at the moment (and those, perish the thought, like Drakeula, that don't have LiveJournals). I highly recommend this evening. It's a niche that needed filling - music that is more music than doof, at a volume conducive to both dancing and conversation, easy exit/return to a covered space for smoking (mind you the constant barrage of beggars is a bit much in that neighbourhood), very easy SkyTrain access (two blocks from Stadium/Chinatown station), a venue with a century of history and great ambiance... yup, I'll be going back.

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