My arms, legs, back, torso, neck, even my hands are stiff today — not from anything like going to the gym, but all from art-related activities. Friday I carried home four framed posters form the office that were otherwise going to be thrown out, two in each hand. These are large frames so they couldn't be carried at arm's-length and have glass. Try carrying about 10 Kg in each hand for 175 m or so with your out, away from your body and your hands at chest height. Then last night I went to the Toybox Burlesque to make some images and because I didn't want to be an ass and block the view of people who had paid to get in I was kneeling and squatting awkwardly for most of the show (until I simply couldn't anymore and had to give up, missing the final acts). Shooting these burlesque acts is much harder than runway shows or concerts. There is no photographers' area, the light is low and changing, and of course the performers are constantly moving. Definitely challenging. Adding in that my arms were already sore and shaky from carrying the posters Friday, holding my camera up and still was more of a challenge than usual as well. So now, today,
I was going to make a joke about having enough built-up lactic acid in me that my blood would eat through metal like a James Cameron Alien, but I just now found out that lactic-acid build-up has been dismissed at a cause for stiff muscles. Apparently this pain is more closely related to growing-pains and is actually muscles growing and strengthening.
Anyway. I have some work to do for a client today, but I'll have a few pictures up here later today and the rest on Gothic BC later.